We all know the Sun is a potent source of energy. You might already be aware of the ways the sun's energy can make a sustainable future ahead. In the fast-moving world where everything is being depleted at a high rate, we are forced to be vigilant about the resources we use. Solar Panels are the saving grace. With the help of this innovation, the sunlight is converted into electricity. By doing so we are saving the environment while also fulfilling the basic needs. Today you would find solar panels everywhere, on rooftops or on fields. This is a big step towards a better future.

While solar panels are a great way to save resources and the environment as well, the question arises, how do solar panels work? How is this solar energy converted to electrical energy to produce electricity or for thermal storage? To put it simply, solar panels are made of photovoltaic cells that become active when the photons hit their surface. In this blog, we will focus on solar panels, their types and how they work.

 What are Solar Panels Made of?

 The solar panels are generally made up of:

  1. Silicon Solar Cells:  These are an important component responsible for converting sunlight into electricity. They are strung together to form a panel to absorb sunlight. These are of two types: Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Cells.
  2. Glass Layer: This is yet another important component. The solar glass is sturdy and shiny and is used to protect the solar cells from any damage like rain, dirt or dust.
  3. EVA: The encapsulant is helpful in keeping the cells together. It provides adhesion between silicon cells and the glass layer ensuring safety.
  4. Anti-Reflective Coating: This coating on the surface of the panels ensures that maximum sunlight is absorbed without it being reflected.
  5. Metal Frame: Metal Frames or Aluminium frames are sturdy and there to provide structural support to your solar panels.
  6. Backsheet: It is used for electrical insulation and as well as provides safety against any electrical hazards.
  7. Junction Box: This has electrical connections that are responsible for the working of solar panels. The box protects the wires from water, moisture or any other type of damage.

Understanding the Working of Solar Panels

  1. Solar Panels are made of Photovoltaic Cells. These cells are made up of silicon and are the units that convert sunlight into electricity. The same photovoltaic cells are arranged in groups uniformly to form solar panels. The number of panels increases the amount of electricity generated.
  2. When the sunlight falls on the surface of the solar panel, the PV cells absorb it and the silicon cells react. This results in an electron movement through the cell which is responsible for the generation of Direct Current (DC) of electricity.
  3. Since the current that is produced is Direct Current (DC) which isn't used at many homes and places, it is passed through an inverter and converted to alternating current (AC) electricity. It then transfers to the grid and can be used for homes, businesses, fields or even stored for later.

Different types of Solar Panels

There are various types of solar panels available in the market. The most common ones are:

  • Monocrystalline Panels- They are the most efficient and developed of all the types. They are made from pure silicon and are generally black in colour. They provide more than 400 watts of energy and are extremely efficient. They last between 30-35 years.
  • Polycrystalline Panels- As the name suggests, these are made up of different silicon crystals. The silicon fragments are melted and poured into a mould. It is then organised to create a panel. These panels are square-shaped and give a light-bluish colour. They are affordable and contribute little to no wastage.
  • Thin Film Panels- These can be categorised as the newest and latest type of solar panel. They don't have any silicon in them but are instead made up of Cadmium telluride (CdTe), Amorphous silicon (a-Si) and Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS). The panels are enclosed between two thin sheets of conductor and a layer of glass is used for protection. These panels come in different sizes depending on the needs and preferences of customers. and the colour is dependent on the material used.

Advantages of Installing Solar Panels

  1. Eco-friendly and green energy: Solar energy is the energy obtained from the sun. Being naturally collected, it does not cater to any kind of pollution in the environment. That is why solar panels are eco-friendly products and do not negatively impact the environment. This means that solar panels are a smart and safe choice for the betterment of our world.
  2. Low Maintenance: Once the solar panel is installed in your house, you do not need to spend heavily on its maintenance. However, they do require cleaning every two years and it should only be done by experts. The inverters used also need to be replaced but that costs little. Apart from that, warranties are also included and with the development of new technologies, its maintenance is becoming easier day by day.
  3. Wide Usage: Solar panels can be used to generate electricity in factories, and fields for water supply. And at home, these solar panels are used to run appliances. The electricity produced is used for the charging appliances, for boiling water and many other things.
  4. Money Saving: Solar Panels help in minimising the cost of energy bills. This financial help is one of the main reasons which is making solar panels affordable and popular nowadays.
  5. Renewable Energy Resource: Renewable resources can be defined as sources of energy which do not get used up easily. The sun being a never-ending source of heat and light provides enough energy that can be used up in various ways. The energy falls in the category of clean energy as it does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions.
  6. Charging Electric Vehicles: Nowadays, electric vehicles are given greater preference to the vehicles run by petrol or diesel. It is because of the unprecedented increase in the cost of the latter. However, with the installation of solar panels, electrical energy can be generated and stored. The same energy can be used for the charging of electric vehicles. The panel system can then be set up likewise.

The advantages of solar panels ranging from environmental sustainability, economic benefits, low maintenance and innovation, make them a smart way through which a better, cleaner and sustainable future can be achieved.

Why KLK Ventures?

Many questions linger on people's minds when it comes to the use of solar panels. Should you get them? Are they really worth investing in? KLK Ventures has a clear answer to all your questions. It is the right place when it comes to putting your trust in. Whether it is for the installation of solar panels or solar water pumps or providing solutions for a sustainable future.

Our focus is on encouraging sustainability and energy-saving. We do so by providing a well-managed manufacturing unit furnished with advanced machines and energy-saving devices. Our team of professionals constantly work for the benefit of our customers. We guarantee the smooth installation of solar panels. You can choose to work with KLK Ventures and step into a world where energy is being used in the right manner and there is little to no wastage. By choosing KLK Ventures, you will be adopting the green initiative, becoming an important contributor to an environment-friendly and sustainable planet.