Renewable Energy (1)

We rely heavily on energy sources but are we aware of the rapid depletion of the same? Not to mention, the harm these energy sources cause to the environment. In this energy-driven world, where everything runs on energy, we need sources that are sustainable and have minimal negative impact on nature. This is where renewable sources of energy enter the picture. Renewable energy is the future of the world with its sustainable, clean and cost-effective aspects. It is successful in meeting the energy needs efficiently. 

In this quick-paced world, people are turning to more sustainable ways of living and renewable energy sources play a major role in it. Let's understand what renewable energy actually is in a better way and how it is helpful towards the environment.


Renewable Energy (2)

What actually is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is derived from natural sources that can be regenerated over time. These sources have high availability and pose no threat to the environment. There are many types of energy sources:  solar, hydropower, wind, geothermal, biomass, etc. 

These are great at reducing carbon emissions while promoting sustainability. Being a safe and sustainable option, people should turn to renewable sources of energy for their basic needs. By doing so, you are contributing to the safe future of the world where everything is balanced.


Renewable Energy (3)

All About 7 Renewable Energy Sources

Let us go through all the seven types of renewable energy sources in detail. 

  1.  Solar Energy

Solar energy uses sunlight to produce heat or electricity through the usage of photovoltaic (PV) cells or thermal systems. This energy source is one of the most abundant ones and has multiple uses. Solar power systems are installed on rooftops, fields or large farms, these are used for different purposes like power generation in large industries or for small needs in homes. There are three different types of systems: hybrid, on-grid, off-grid solar power systems

  • It is Abundant: The Sun's energy is present on the Earth all the time and can be used to generate power at any time. 
  • It reduces the Electricity Bill: It takes off the reliability of grid electricity while greatly reducing electricity bills.
  • It has Low maintenance costs: It is low maintenance due to the long-lasting support and technology it provides. 
  • It reduces the use of fossil fuels: Because of the high availability and ease people rely more on solar energy to fulfil their basic needs reducing the usage of fossil fuels which are exhaustible. 
  1. Wind Energy

Wind energy is used to generate electricity through the help of large wind turbines. Wind turbines are installed on open fields and lands. They consist of several blades that spin the shaft connected to the generator. When wind spins the turbine blades, the generator used produces electricity. 


  • It is Inexhaustible: Wind is available in excess and everywhere in the world making it inexhaustible and the power can be used effortlessly. 
  • It is Cost-Effective: Once these wind turbines are installed in the farms, they can produce electricity at much cheaper rates. These turbines have a low operational cost as well.
  • It is Clean: Wind energy doesn't produce any direct pollutants or harmful chemicals, marking itself an environmentally friendly source of energy.
  • There is Efficiency of Land: Wind turbines can be installed on grazing land or existing farms where the wind blows in abundance. 
  1. Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric power or hydropower typically works by harnessing the kinetic energy of flowing water usually from dams. This type of source of energy is generally used to produce electricity through water. This electricity generation is done by installing or building dams on a river creating a reservoir, and then releasing water through turbines to generate electricity.


  • Can Store Energy: The reservoir acts as a storage of energy. Thus it becomes easy to generate electricity as and when required. 
  • It has a longer Lifespan: Hydroelectric power plants can remain functional for a long duration of time, sometimes decades if they are maintained properly.
  • It is Consistent: Hydropower plants are generally consistent in nature, generating electricity continuously. 
  • Low emissions: In comparison to fossil fuels the carbon emissions are very low when it comes to electricity generation through hydroelectric energy. 
  1. Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy is the heat produced from the Earth's core. This energy is used for direct heating or is converted into electricity. It serves both purposes efficiently. The hot water or steam that is trapped in underground reservoirs is extracted. The energy generates electricity when it spins the turbines that are connected to a generator. 


  • It is a Clean Energy: Geothermal Energy harnesses clean energy as compared to fossil fuels as they emit very low levels of greenhouse gases.
  • It is Reliable and Consistent: The geothermal plants produce electricity consistently without any external constraints. 
  • It is Space Saving: Geothermal plants require a smaller area for their installation as compared to other power resources, thus reducing environmental issues.
  • It is Versatile: Geothermal Energy can be used for direct heating, production of electricity and other industrial activities.
  1. Biomass Energy

Biomass is a form of renewable energy where organic matters are used to harness energy. These matters include animal, wood, agricultural waste or plant materials. Biomass is typically burned directly for heat or used for generating electricity, they can be even converted into various forms of biofuels like biodiesel or ethanol.


  • It is replenished quickly: Unlike fossil fuels which take forever to get replenished, biomass can be formed more quickly.
  • It reduces waste: By utilising organic waste, it can lead to conveniently lesser waste which might otherwise have caused environmental problems. 
  • It is a dispatchable energy: Biomass energy can be produced as and when required, typically on demand unlike some other sources making it a reliable resource.
  • It leads to soil improvement: Biochar-like byproducts can be produced through biomass processes which can lead to soil improvement.
  1. Ocean Energy

It refers to all the forms that are derived from the ocean. There are three kinds of ocean energy: Wave, Tidal, and Ocean Thermal. Electricity is generated by harnessing the movements of ocean water. 


  • It has a Long Lifespan: Ocean power plants can have a longer life span by being maintained properly. 
  • It is abundant: As water sources are present everywhere, electricity generation becomes very easy. 
  • High energy density: As compared to wind, tidal energy is more or highly efficient as water is much denser than air.
  • The energy generation is predictable: As the tides are highly predictable, they make a good source of reliable energy generation schedules.
  1. Hydrogen Energy

When water molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen through the process of electrolysis what we get is Hydrogen energy. It can also be produced through biomass conversion or extracted through natural gases. The hydrogen is then used to produce electricity and heat. 


  • It is a clean form of energy: Hydrogen energy causes no carbon emissions thus in turn becoming a safer alternative to fossil fuels.
  • It is abundant: Hydrogen is present everywhere. The availability makes it a better option. 
  • It is portable and efficient: Hydrogen is an excellent energy carrier and can be used when required. 
  • It is flexible: Hydrogen energy serves different purposes. For example, it can be used for fuel or electricity generation as well as industrial purposes. 


What are the Benefits of Renewable Energy

There are multiple benefits of using renewable energy sources, a few of which are discussed below: 

  • Solar, wind, biomass or hydropower energy leaves very little to no carbon emissions. This makes them a better and safer choice.  
  • These sources are present on the Earth in abundance and can be used when required efficiently to generate electricity and power.
  • By choosing renewable energy sources, energy independence is promoted. This in turn reduces the dependency on fossil fuels which are harmful to the environment in the longer run. 
  • Apart from the environmental benefits, the growth of the renewable energy sector has created a lot of job opportunities. 

KLK Ventures as a company steps in to ensure the sustainability of renewable sources by encouraging the proper use of them. We focus on the bigger and better aspects of renewable sources of energy by the services we provide. With a strong dedication to offering our customers sustainable services, we are working towards a green future. 

KLK Ventures aims to reduce carbon footprints by making growth in the renewable energy sector and promoting clean energy. The focus here is on using solar energy and offering more consistent, cost-effective and sustainable options to the world. By choosing us, you are taking a step towards a better future which is not only green but also consistent!